15 years later:
Morningstar smiled gently. It had been 16 years since Star's death. His death had torn her apart. But in the years since then she had learned how to live her life. Her mate from Jungle herd stood beside her.
"Did you see how Larkfrost acts around our foals?" Stormblaze asked gently his emerald green wing laying over her back.
Morningstar laughed . "Yes I did she adores them!" Morningstar watched down the hill as her foals and Larkfrost played tag. "Heatherblaze loves her and Smokeburst thinks she is ok too."
Stormblaze nodded. "Yes they do!"
Morningleaf's eyes were tired. Her mane was graying. Her face was peppered with gray hairs. She knew her time was ending. She was 26 now. Her filly and colt were grown up and had foals of their own.
Starleaf walked up to his mother. "Hello mama!" He whinnied as he lead his young foal toward his mother. "This is Starflight our only foal," He gently said lifting the foal toward her.
Morningleaf laughed gently. "Hello Starflight!" The colt looked like his grandfather. His black gray coat shone in the light his wings were to big for him and he could not yet fly. "He is so perfect another name could not suit him so well!" Morningleaf praised
Starflight looked down. "I cant fly yet. I wish I could have known Star!" His voice was wistful.
Starleaf nodded his head. "You would have loved him!"
Tears pricked Morningleaf's eyes. "Yes my son you would have loved him!" Her voice choked up at that.
A week later
Morningleaf was looking at the sunset. She sighed knowing she needed to talk to Morningstar about Him.
Morningstar walked up to her dam. "Hello mama! Is everything ok?" She asked gently.
Morningleaf nodded, "Yes my dear I need to rest sill you stay with me?"
Morningstar nodded back with tears in her eyes. As her mother was slipping into sleep she said. "I love you Morningleaf or ever and always Mama! I love you!"
Morningleaf slipped away into a land of sleep then she saw Him.
"Star!" She breathed.
Star nodded his head gently. "Yes! Morningleaf!"
Morningleaf flew toward him.
They embraced. "I missed you!" They cried at the same time.
"How long can I stay Star?" Morningleaf asked.
Star smiled. "For all eternity Morningleaf for ever and ever!"
Morningstar smiled gently through her tears. She watched her mother's heart slowly stop beating. Then she was still.
"I love you Mother for ever and always!" Morningstar called her Bother and her mate. They brought the foals and Starleaf brought his mate. Larkfrost and Larksong trailed them.
"Fly stright and fine your rest Morningleaf! Daughter of Silvercloud and Thunderwing. Lover of Star and her foals and grandfoals. May you find your rest!" Morningstar finished and they all rattled their feathers in agreement.
Thus comes the end of Star and Morningleaf and the start of Starleaf and Morningstar
thank you!
No I just forgot to tell everyone.
I already started it. I wrote the first thing a few days ago.
And plus, Morningleaf was old Star wasn't. He was a young stallion.
What Chippy said!
Yes! Aren't you mad at me for killing Morningleaf? ou got mad about star but now her?
thats awesome!
Wait so you are writing about Morningstar and Starleaf now!?!??!?!?!??!?!??!?!??!
please comment!