As they ran through the forest Phoenix wondered what Star looked like, she had been born in the trap so she didn't know who Star was. Until recently when the herds came to the trap to hide from Nightwing. I wonder what is like? Maybe he's really handsome and really strong. I wonder when I'll get to meet him? Phoenix wondered. As she had that thought they got to the clearing where the herds have council meetings. Theres Star!! WOW, he's handsome!!! "Star welcome back!!" "Star its so good to finally meet you." That was Phoenix, as soon as she said that everyone hushed. "She doesn't know Star?" "Why doesn't she know Star?"
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This is a really good story pananah.
Junetree: Waittt... Is Phoenix STAR AND MORNINGLEAF’S LONG LOST FILLY?!?!?!?
This is great Pananah
Lol this is awesome!
WOW, he’s handsome!!!😂😂😂hahahahahahahaha
Thanks and sure
this is really good btw
wait can you put the link for part 1 in the comments?