As soon as Honeyfall's hooves touched the ground, Pebblefrost was bounding over toward her, followed slowly by Snowfrost.
Pebblefrost barreled into Honeyfall, almost knocking her over. "I'm so glad you came back!" exclaimed the blue roan filly, "I was so disappointed when Patchfeather said you bolted."
Snowfrost rolled his eyes, "She just really likes new pegasi."
"So I've noticed." muttered Honeyfall.
"Pebblefrost, how about you go find Dragonfrost. It's almost time for you to go to sleep." said Willowfrost.
"Aww man!" complained Pebblefrost, "But she just got here."
Willowfrost gave her a chilling glare "Do I need to go find your sire?"
"Nope!" Pebblefrost shook her head violently, and ran back in the direction she had come in as fast as she cloud run...
yes!! you're writing more!! I'll go read 19 and 20