(Hey guys! Long time no see! Or rather no comment! I know I’ve been gone for quite the LONG time (since December, I think?) , but I have a relatively good reason, and like always, I’m going to blame school.
I know it isn’t exactly the best start of 2020, but with all this quarantine stuff, I finally have enough time to....
And this one is going to be REALLY FUN AND POSSIBLY TRICKY!)
Autumngold: welcome back everyone to another episode of THE GUARDIAN HERD DRAWING CHALLENGE! It’s been quite a long time from the last challenge so I hope all of your creative juices are ready because this might be Cats’ hardest challenge yet!
Autumngold: for this drawing challenge, you will be assigned a herd (Snow, Desert, Jungle, Mountain, or Sun) and then you have to design a character to fit into that herd! Sounds easy, but it might actually be quite hard!
Autumngold: here is Cats to show the example and explain what she did!
Cats: the herd that I got was Mountain Herd and here he is:

This is FinchThistle of Mountain Herd! I’ve always imagined this herd as short, thick and hairy steeds with dull, often mixed with gray wings, hence his ochre feathers tipped in dull grey. I noticed that a lot of MH characters are often grays or bays with some kind of speckling, so that is why he is an Appaloosa. I tried to give him round small wings (which I think I failed on) and a short, bushy mane and tail.
Autumngold: so basically your goal is to draw a character that would live in your assigned herd!
Here are the rules:
1. No tracing or copying. You can use as many references or pictures for inspiration but you can not copy another’s design.
2. No exchanging of herds! You get what you get!
3. Your design MUST fit into the Guardian Herd Universe, so that means no unusual coat or mane/tail colors such as purple or green and no strange pattern or additions such as an extra pair of wings or horns!
4. Only discuss the challenge or other like things in the comments! Please take your conversations about other things elsewhere!
5. Please post your entries under the comment ‘ENTRIES’, and do not post anything other than your entry underneath it!
6. You MUST get your entry in by May 1st (anytime on that day). Winners will be posted as soon as possible (hopefully on May 2nd or 3rd)
7. Giving your character a name is not required, but I would love to see what you would name your character!
8. No gore or inappropriate things like that in your design! 9. And lastly, have fun!!!
If you have any questions, feel free to ask!
Autumngold: and now we near the prizes section!
There will be three winners:
1. Best design
2. Best drawing
3. Fits into assigned herd the best
Each winner will get the prize of:
1. Traditional, watercolor headshot of one character (can be human, pegasus, OC, pet, anything as long as it is appropriate) with a semi-complex position and simple circle background! (Sorry but no ship drawings)
All participants will get a:
1. Simple marker headshot of a pegasus (either TGH, ROTR character or OC) with a simple expression/position
To join: please, in the comments, say what herd you got for the ‘which herd is yours?’ quiz (I’m Jungle Herd, through and through!!!), and I’ll get to you as soon as possible with your assigned herd!
Thank you, stay safe, and see you next time on...
Hello everyone! well, its been like 5 months and I still have not posted the winners. I'm really really REALLY sorry that its been so incredibly long and am going to really try to write up the winner post then post it by this weekend! Stay tuned!
I mean if you really feel the need to go right ahead be my guest!! XD
I can DM her on Insta, if ya want me to
It’s been around a month, I think she may have forgotten about it...... XD
@Love Those Cats Have the winners been posted yet? Not trying to rush you, just excited to see who won!
I don't think Cats has decided yet.
Who won?
@Rainleaf (Desert Herd) Same....XD
@Love Those Cats I'm dying to know who won!
Finally got mine in.... Just in time too! :)
Im Almost finished with mine!
YW! (Please tell me that wasn't sarcasm.... )
I think it’s looks like a Mountain Herd steed in body and form, but the colors are just very cold, and I LOOOOVE it! :D
This is my oc from the mountian herd. I like to base my pegasi off of where they're from and what would camouflage into their surroundings. His name is Moon Blaze.
You can still join! The drawings aren’t due until May 7th, if you think you can make it!
Wish I would have saw this I would have entered. :(.
Is it alright if I try to add in a background within that time?
Hello everyone! Ive decided to extend the turn in date to May 7th. I repeat MAY 7TH AT ANY TIME!!!!!!!
I’m jungle herd! Can’t wait to do this!
me realizing its due anytime tomorrow, me be glad, or else I have hardly any natural light