Okay guys i'm really having trouble coming up with Nightmist's color. Even though she's meh as a pegasus I still can't decide!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's very nervracking. I have a colorless pegasus drawing that I want to be her but I really need help with her color!!!!!!!!!! PLease help me in the comment section below. I will take any advice
Thank you for your help
~ Nightmist
I know I saw. I’m glad you like it though!
i have alreadt decided but i like that idea!!!!!!!
How about dark gray (coat) and dark _insert favorite color_ (wings)?
dat sounds cool i might use it for a different OC
Maybe a dapple gray with navy colored wings, or a dark blue roan with wings that start out navy and fade to either a light blue or white
yeah thanks I'll start brain storming....................
Nightmist ... Nightmist ... what does that name make me think of? I would say a dark blue roan with dark silver/gray wings. Or a dark gray Appaloosa with midnight-blue wings tipped in black. I don't know about markings though.