This is Sunnythorn, idk why I need a new OC or what I'm going to do with her. But who cares:
Name: Sunnythorn
Age: 1
Gender: female
Rank: yearling
Herd: Jungle Herd
Coat color: brown
Mane/tail color: an almost black brown
Markings: small star, sock on rear left leg
Wing color: gold
Personality: intelligent, cunning, brave, tends to annoy pegasi, energetic, loyal
Crush: ----
Mate: ----
Friends: Thistlestorm (twin bro), Honeyfall, Snowfrost
Enemies: ----

She looks awesome!!!!!
I know I have at least 35, but closer to 40 I think
My current OC count is 47
Nice to meet you Sunnythorn!! (She looks awesome! I love her wings!)
Cool! I probably have too many OCs too
AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOVE THE NAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
She looks beautiful! XD lol I'm the one who needs more OCs. Thought to be honest I have like a hundred more if you include my cringey old OCs in fanfictions about TGH i wrote in my Notes app... (*cough* Rainsong, Starsong, Twisttail, Ivytail, Icepetal, too many to count *cough*)