I am SO Sorry that this is late!! I had forgotten I was going to a Christmas Party!!! Anyways here are the winners!!!
1st Place: Dragon's Drawing of Echofrost.
you did a marvalous job on the drawing. I love how the wings look!
you're prize is a Drawing of you're requested OC. please give me name and a Full description (like personality) would be helpful too.

2nd Place: Ashpetal's Drawing of Frostfire.
The drawing looks amazing! the Background and all!! Chose an OC for me to draw in human form.

3rd place: Cass's Drawing of Larksong. (sorry that it's sideways)
The drawing is spectacular and I love the festivity and facial expressions!
You're prize is a Symbol or a Feather Of your requested OC!

Luna drew a Fabulous Drawing Of Thundersky on Halloween! The background looks amazing!

Congrats to the winners! You all did
Magneficent!!!!! Thank you for entering!
Lol, they are Echo!!!
Thanks, and Echo your drawings are really good!
congrats winners!! And to everyone who entered, all your drawings look amazing!
x cris in le corner x XD
I’ll get right to it! Thanks!
nice job winners!! Sorry I didn't finish in time, maybe I'll make a separate post of what would have been my entry
Thank you
I'll get right to it!
Could you draw my OC Mistcloud from the Alternative Ending RP?
Name: Mistcloud
Age: 22
Gender: female
Height: 16.2
Herd: Glacier Herd, born to Snow Herd
Rank: Lead mare
Wing color: gray that fades into white tips
Personality: fiercely loyal, born leader, strong, kind to pegasi she leads, intelligent
Crush: Moonwing
Mate: Moonwing
Friends: anyone who is in Glacier Herd
Enemies: anyone who isn't in Glacier Herd
Yes!!! Congrats guys! And I’ll choose a symbol for my OC Graysky. Can you draw a gray-filled circle with his feather inside? Its dark blue that fades into white