The title basically says it all, but I will explain anyway. I entered Oceansun's drawing contest (link is here: and I planned on drawing Hearthwood. I also drew her filly, Shadowstar, standing next to her. Hope you guys like it!

(sorry it's kind of blurry and too dark)
Here's my reference:

thank you! and that's fine, you don't have to tell us unless you want to. But apparently you do want to, so never mind.
Oooooo! This looks wonderfull! I’ll be screenshotting it
Holy cow that looks amazing!!!!
Oh that's fine There are some very fat horses out there so it's normal
Thanks guys! and if you look at the reference picture, the mare looks sort of fat (to me at least) so I based it off that.
Lol what Cass said, but no offence and I would never draw that good anyway :P
Awesome!!!!! But, no offense, how come Hearthwood looks fat? Or is that just because she had a foal not long ago?