Did I get him right? If I got him right, then phew, because I feel like I did something wrong. This is my first one oegasus headshot, so this drawing will be treasured by me for a long time. Hope you all like him!
(I think I ate to much jelly beans >_<)
Anatomy? x searches and snaps fingers x good idea Nightmist mah fren
Yeah but have you tried guidelines and drawing the shape first Rainfeather? Maybe you should study the anatomy?
I skip the middle aized feathers and for the feathers near the bone in the wing I do tiny little half circles all connected together. Like this:
I did.. I studied this pic a mil times
That's fine maybe you should study a birds wings? Or think of some type of wings and try and draw them on paper? )
Yea I traced the third one. XD
And thank you Dragon 😊
I don’t care. Tracing is very difficult to do correctly!
I think............. If I can remember right...........
Actually Rain traced that pic XD Sorry to burst your bubble :3
You are really good at drawing to Wispi
And this from Rain’s many AMAZING drawings.
I saved this:
Awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And Rain i'm sure you can do just as good. See! My brother didn't give up!
BTW He likes to cut his art out XD
It doesn’t look that good in my opinion. I mean sure it the best one I ever drew (next to the Flmaeflight double headshot <3) but yours are better.
That looks so good!!! I love the wings!!!
SORRY! Typo lol. That is DarkSTONE. Sorry to disappoint you Rain. To make it up to you I will draw Darkfire.
I'd recommend reading "The love story of Darkfire and Dreamdrop" to get less confused but I don't think that would help since it's super confusing.