So... as Wispi noticed, the MB has kinda strayed from our TGH/ROTR theme, and you know what? Let's try to fix that.
With that in mind, one of my favorite things from back when the MB was more TGH/ROTR focused was drawing challenges, so I though, why no host (another) one? But this time, I wanted to give it a bit of a new twist:
For this challenge you're gonna need a pair of dice, along with the stuff needed for your preferred method of creating art.
Step 1: Below you'll notice there are a few lists of numbered items (e.g. mane and tail color, markings, wing color, etc.). Each list has 11 items listed, numbers 2 - 12.
Step 2: Roll your dice, and match the number you rolled to the listed items, and write down what item is listed with your number. Repeat this for each list.
Step 3: Now that you have your description, you can start creating your character.
Step 4: Name'em, and post'em.
So now you know how this challenge works, but before we get to the list, here are some rules that must be followed for your drawing to count towards a prize (oh yeah, there's going to prizes ):
Deadline for entering is 8pm 9/7/19 (AKST), please comment below if you are going to enter
Drawings must be posted either on this post's comments or on a separate post (make sure to mention in your post the drawing is for this challenge) by 8pm 9/11/19 (AKST)
Entries must be drawn, no using Doll Divine
Tracing is allowed, but it must be from a photo not someone else's drawing
All items you write down on your lists must be included in your drawing
Okay, and now for the lists-
Notes on lists:
Coat Color- this is what will determine what color mane and tail your character will have (e.g. a chestnut will have a chestnut/flaxen mane and tail, or a blue roan will have a black mane and tail)
Markings- try your best to use what you get on both lists, though I'm aware that not all combination can be used together
Wing Color- when there is two colors listed, use both as best you can
Eye Color- I'm not to worried about this one, if your arty style doesn't allow you to color the eyes then don't, but try to work it in if you can
Characteristic- this is just so you have some personality trait that you can use to help give your character a bit of... well character XD
Rank- again this is more to give you a bit of background on your character
Friend- so because I want to get things back on course with a more TGH/ROTR spin on things, I though it would be cool to have it that in addition to the character your drawing, your also draw on original TGH/ROTR character with the one you're creating for this
Okay, so I think that about sums it up, other then prizes will be announced with the winners, and winners will be chosen via a vote. Hope y'all enjoy!
ooo I wanna do this now when I get home, love the idea!!
Color: 7 Palomino
Marking: 3 Wide Blaze
2nd Marking: 6 Skewbald
Wing Color: 7 Blue and Black
Eye Color: 12 Blue (messed up in drawing)
Characteristic: 11 Humoruos
Rank: 5 Over-Stallion
Friend: 12 Clawfire
I was only able to make some line art of them together but here Summerwing and Clawfire
Lol thanks. My cousin had originally told me what you jsut said, but then other people told me it wasn’t possible, so I wasn’t sure what to believe anymore lol
Im so sorry my pics will not load im so so so so sorry!!!!
I haven’t figured out a name yet, but he is a snow herd steed, best friend to Petalcloud. His trait is cocky, and his coat is white, but I thought since there is no TRULY white-born horse (At least I think) I’d implement a little bit of dappled gray into his coat since he is still relatively young. You can’t see his markings, but he has a star and a stripe, blue eyes, and green feathers. I have the sketch for Petalcloud done, but I’m spending a lot of time on her because her sketch turned out so good lol.
Hey I have to drop out I did not get mine done I was planning on it but then horses, homework, the Captain America Civil war,
Soooooo yea I am super sorry
Hey @Dragon. My pics wont load is it okay if I post tomorrow?? Im realy sorry
Ooof So sorry I didn't get my drawing posted until today xD I've been REALLY busy, you'd be surprised, but if you look at the date, I PROMISE you I got it done in time xD
I'm sorry.......................................................... WHO WOULD PICK NIGHTWING AS THEIR FRIEND!?
I'm so sorry, but I don't think I'll be able to meet the deadline. I have too much homework and not enough time to do much else. I will try, but I really doubt it.
I would like to remind everyone that there are only 4 days left to get your drawings in!
This is a great idea! I'd love to join but am super busy. Maybe next time! Can't wait to see everyone's designs!
I'll try
This sounds so fun ill join!
Also I cant find dice so can I use a random number generator?
Quick question though: Would an under-captain be considered the chosen captain of a captain? That's confusing, but I mean a lead-captain who chose another captain to like lead a battalion? Is that what it means?
Okay, NOW I can comment lol. I'M AM SOOOOO JOINING THIS!!!!!! :D
I'm so doing this. Would it be okay if I put most of my energy into doing the dice character, and then a headshot or something of the TGH character? If not, that's okay, but it would take me much longer to do.
I'll join
Example (I'm actually planning on doing a drawing to)
Roll number 1: 3, Dun
Roll number 2: 11, Nothing from that list
Roll number 3: 8, Nothing from that list
Roll number 4: 6, Turquoise
Roll number 5: 3, Violet
Roll number 6: 7, Ambitious
Roll number 7: 5, Over-Stallion
Roll number 8: 7, Shadepebble