Just wanted to remember this awesome part of TGH. I for one absolutely LOVED Crabwing's Bay! I know it was... sad... in a way, but it was where Star learned to fly! He saw a new pegasus in himself! When I first read about how Crabwing trusted Star, I almost wanted to cry. I loved how Star talked about it, how he was amazed. I loved how he learned about the seaweed, and the whales. And I ABSOLUTELY loved when the Jungle Herd Stallions found him. When he learned to fly... I was SSOOO locked in! I couldn't stop reading! Everything. EVERYTHING. I loved everything about Crabwing's Bay! I just loved it! X)

That picture is so perfect! It's exactly how i imagined Crabwing's bay. And yes, I loved all the time Star spent there and made a new seagull friend!