Brackentail you deserve more than you get T.T. I know a lot of you aren't his biggest fan but I love him, I love his character and how he evolved from the first book to the last. Also I love how, with his golden eyes and orange feathers, he looks like he was meant to be the bad guy, but the way his looks doesn't define who he is! It was said by Jennifer herself that she purposefully made Brackentail look the way he looks because she was going to keep him as an antagonist, she didn't want to start caring about him in the books so she made him look like that, but in book 2, he came back. He wasn't supposed to make it to book two but look how far he has come! I love his character for all of these reasons alone and I think as a character of The Guardian Herd he deserves more love than he gets. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy <3.

I don’t like Brackenleaf (I HATE Brackenleaf), but I like Brackentail :) Awesome job, Jasper!
I agree he deserves more, but I can't bring myself to trust him. idk, I think deep down, under the kind warrior he is, he secretly schemes to steal Morningleaf or something. I don't know. BUT I LOVE THE ART
But yesss. He deserves so much more than he gets. He is definitely one of my favorite characters.
Yeah, that’s what I love about Brackentail! BRACKENLEAF 4EVAAAAAAAAA!!!! :D
By the way, I always thought Brackentail’s color pallet was a good one. Orange and golden are happy and friendly colors!
YES!!!! I totally agree!!!! Brackentail is one of the most developed characters in the series! He was a bad guy but now he is good!!!!!