SO, I'm bored and don't know what to draw. I mean, a pegasus obviously, because they're the only thing I can draw well. So, I'm turning to you guys. What do you want me to draw for you? could be an OC, main character from ROTR, or TGH, o something horse related. (just no humans, please. all the humans I draw look like potatoes)
I may take a while making it though, because *cough* school *cough*.
So, if you want me to draw an OC for you just put the name, personality, age, coat color/markings, feather color, and whatever else you think I should know to draw it well. If it's a character from the books, then you don't have to do that, just tell me which character.
now that that stuff is over, here is a drawing of some pegasi twins I did a few weeks ago : )

I'll wait until you're done with Sky's... besides I need to think about what I want
OOOOH! Could U draw Skysun or Aquawind in your style?? We could do an art trade! What would you want me to draw you in exchange?