So, this is not your typical art challenge/competition. The goal of this is to go outside of you art comfort zone, and to try something new. This does not have a prize, but it's sort of like an art swap... kind of... not really.... so it's a whole new concept! unless it isn't... anyways, here is how it goes!
~You challenge the person who commented above you to do something different from their usual way of drawing. We all have our own art styles, preferences, and ways of drawing. I like paper, pencil, and realism. Some do digital art.
~You challenge the person above you to do a different style of drawing than they are used to.
Example: The first commenter will challenge me to do something like draw in a different style, using a different medium, etc...
~ You can either post you artwork on a different post, or on here in the comments, or both.
~You can use a reference, but please no tracing.
~Please nothing inappropriate.
~The artwork must come from YOU, not something copied and pasted off the internet.
~If someone challenges you do something, and you don't have the resources for it, you can ask for a different challenge.
~You cannot use an old drawing for this, it has to be a new one you drew just for this challenge.
~Post a picture of your usual drawing style so whoever is challenging you knows what NOT to challenge you to do.
Remember, this is supposed to be for fun, and to get us out of our comfort zones, myself included! These are NOT supposed to be perfect, so don't beat yourself down if you don't like it.
this is my usual drawing style:

I used colored pencil, pens, paper, and a reference. So, you can challenge me to draw without a reference, digitally, etc...
GO FORTH AND CHALLENGE!!!!!!!!! (wut...) XD
I tried😶
ahcghh Jon pictures aren't loading, I'll upload when I get home
lemme pull up some pics of my normal drawing style
I kinda wanna join! my style is normally "she tried her best but you can clearly see how miserably she failed" ^^
jokes lol
I do most of my drawings traditionally
:> this is gonna be fun! I guess my "style" is ... whatever the opposite of realistic is?
I tried 😂 apparently I need to work on my realistic
Nobody’s challenged me yet :3
@Dragon are you ever going to challenge me?
I FINISHED!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So, I was trying to draw a Desert Herd steed with a skinnier/taller body and it turned out looking a lot like a foal XD. I did full shading and it turned out looking a lot like Star, so I decided it could be a black foal that was born to Desert Herd, but than it died because no black foal survived it's birth except Nightwing and Star. I tried to make a 3/4 view of the face but that didn't work out XD.
Also, I only used pencil.
Aight, so I guess I’m challenging Cats, right?
Well, I challenge you to try a graffiti style :3 I’m not really sure how to explain it, but I think we all know what graffiti style is :3 Or I guess you could call it abstract, idk... just LOTS of colors and styles :D
I, myself, am comfortable in the modeling field, pencils/traditional, and digital. I’ve been trying to experiment with watercolor markers recently, but I’m still not fully in with it :3 I usually go for realistic :3
@Stormsun , I challenge you to fully color and shade your drawings! And if you want something EVEN HARDER, do a super complex expression as well!
I honestly have an alarmingly large amount of styles. And I also feel pretty comfortable in a variety of mediums (i.e. colored pencils, alcohol markers, watercolor, oils, acrylics, and digital as well).
Here is a relatively recent drawing I did:
I am most comfortable doing realism with a touch of non-realism, so I suppose I’m most uncomfortable doing very stylized things XD
YAYYYYYYY I'm so glad you guys like the idea!!!
Skysun, maybe you should try to draw on paper, idk. I draw on paper and with pencil and colored pencils. Here is an example:
Ohhh! This is a great idea!! For me, I usually draw digitally. I also never really use references, MOSTLY. Sometimes I will find a picture online if I need to see how to do a specific pose or color! I also draw my characters facing mainly to the left. I also have a pretty cartoonish style! Here's an example!
I'll have to think of something for you, Dragon!! :)
Oh, I totally love the idea for this!!! Here's an example of my pegasus drawing preference:
This is a cool idea! I'll have to think about yours, Cinderfrost
Draw Digitally. XD, I think I did this right.