I'd hang with them because Echofrost is like me; sometimes self-centered and doesn't accept change well, like when Star invited Brackentail into the herd, she told her friends that she thinks Brackentail deserves to be executed and dislikes Star for reopening the wound that Brackentail created when she got beat up because of him. She couldn't see from Star's point of view, and he knew what it felt like to be shunned from your heards, but Star felt especially sorry for Brackentail because when Star was still a foal, he at least had friends, whereas even Rowanwood hadn't forgiven her son for the Betrayal of Sun Herd. But Echofrost couldn't feel Brackentail's pain; all she felt was anger and hatred because of what happened while they were captured, and frankly, I don't blame her. She also is slow to forgive her enemies, and I'm like that too (unless the person I'm arguing with is one of my friends).
I'd hang with Dewberry because she's a prankster and she's funny and she's like that ray of sunshine you need to be around when you're feeling down. But she can also be a threat while in battle. I like her because she cracks jokes and is always happy, and always tries to share her happinesswith others.
I wouldn’t be able to chose between Morningleaf, Star, Echofrost, Dewberry, Bumblewind, Shadepebble- Well, you get it. I love them all in different ways!
Same! I’d love to be with them
I think I'd like to hang out with Dewberry, too! Dewberry and Bumblewind, and Star.