awnhey guys! cant wait to chat with you! I can tell u myself that the MB(message board) Steeds are the warmest and most welcoming steeds out there and will be happy to help u if your ever unsure. when I came onto the board I felt like they were all family to me and I know they'll treat u the same! -sincerely dawn
sorry if this freaks you out(which it did to me) XD
oh wait I don't think so.....
Guys....... Vanillabean is Stardust I think.....................
Moonglow: CASS IS FOLLOWING - wait x quickly steals Emi's iPad and scrolls thru info x 114 PEEPS x claps wings together x BOOM
Everyone (all my OCs): ...
Echomoon: x facewings x
I haven't updated my following status in a while, too many pegasooshies keep joinin the MB XDD
ha? ur following 107 and ima following 113.....but its ok
Classic Dawn XD that's what me and Cass did too (as well as im aware of)
I just followed everysteed because I just relised that ur family and we has eachothers backs!XD
VanillaBean is Stardust's backup XD but White Flower is new