So I was thinking, whats ur dream horse you ever dreamed of buying? What breed? I think I know which one I want but I forgot the name. It starts with an A Though... I'l post te image in a few! ^-^
K. My dream horse would be a Camarillo because they are born pure white unlike most! And bootiful o.o
I would name it:
Boy: Ace
Girl: Zara
Or maybe a akhal tech cause its rare...
Or a Knabstrupper cause they also rare...
IDK!!!! D:

Oh ok
That why I said "if she doesn't look like this, then she's an Icelandic"
that is too perfect Rainfeather XD
Dragon that’s a Fjord
same, and ikr, you kick with all ur might and there just like
well Rhoda's trot is fine to post to but I'm used to being on bigger horses, so I wasn't expecting such a fast trot the first few times
another thing that's weird about her: she's pretty lazy, so I have to squeeze and kick and whatever to get her to trot, and you'd think since she's lazy that it would be a slow trot, but no way! It's so fast!!
yep, okay, she's a Norwegian Fjord, I usually get those two breeds confused
Theres this like- light gray pony (looks white but isnt if u know what I mean)
and when I took riding lessons with her she went so slow but if felt so fast since she is the smallest pony in the ranch. Even the teacher said, "Were going to be riding more bouncier horse, but were going to have some rematches with Maggie (horse's name)." The first riding lesson I took with her I was a small fry and almost cried. .-.
for the rest of the year I hadn't riden her. Until 2016, when I rode her for the second time I learned how to match my posting with her small trot and it felt normal.
I had another in the same year and she cantered randomly for some reason and I almost fell off
Now 2017 I'm more experianced and actually good friends with her, I really want to ride her again one day! ;-;
If Rhoda doesn't look sorta like this she's then she's probably an Icelandic:
oh, maybe Rhoda is a Icelandic, but I think she's a Norwegian Fjord
Rhoda's trot feels incredibly fast because she's short, so she has to move her legs faster to match the speed of a normal-size horse
There isn't any Fjords at the place I take ridding lessons, but there was a couple of Icelandics... R.I.P. Kaya :'(
x reads Clawberry's comment x
AWESOME! I'm curious :D
Dragon the first clydesdale has the same exact coat color as the clyde at the equestrian center XD
(Lol nice) And that’s lucky, at a camp I go to every summer there are two Fjords, Sven and Ollie, and they are fat, short, clumsy, have the boniest backs, and trot like your riding a bouncy rock.
okay I know what you mean, but there's a Norwegian Fjord at my stable named Rhoda, who we call a unicorn because she puts up with pretty much anything. (I Rhoda unicorn, get it?)
what about them?
I love Friesians though, they’re really graceful. Fjords on the other hand.......
I have 3 real horses, only one is mine though, and like 20 toys lol