Hello, guys... I... um... I really hope nobody is mad with me... I know that I kinda... vanished? I don't know, I just hope that I still have some friends on here :/ I hope you all remember me, it was AutumnDream... but I changed it to Aututmnsky just like my profile on DA, (DeviantArt) So, anyway, hello again guys! :D
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You heard about Rainfeather, right? I feel like I’m ruining a welcome back party by bringing this up, but... yeah. Have you heard About what’s been going on with Rainfeather?
Of course we’re not mad! And, um, of COURSE we remember you! At least, I do. You are pretty unforgettable in the very best way! Welcome back! We really missed you 💕
Welcome back Autumnsky! I'm sooooo happy you're back, the MB missed you!
Hi! I don't know you but, WELCOME BACK!!!!!
Omg you've made so many posts today I'm getting confused xd.
YAYAYAY YOU ARE BACK!!!!!!!!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 I’m sure no one is mad with you; everyone disappears of the MB every once in a while.
sorry if I’m being nosy, but can I ask why you were gone for so long?