Uhhhh so lately I have been sort of depressed and have not been on the MB a lot so I was just wondering what’s happening and just chat on her idk but yeah I think that makes sense but Maybe not so ummm yeah!
Thank you all! I think I’m going to take a break from RPs for a while and you all are so great you guys make me smile on a daily basis I can’t express how much I appreciate you guys.
all good, girl. Depression is terrible, but don't let those demons get the best of you. I myself, think angels are much better. Plus, they have wings.
Anyway, I'll be here for you incase you need my to punch that depression away. I bet I sound pretty dumb rn cuz I'm usually the depressed one, but eh it's mostly because of my parents.
ANYWAY, OFF TOPIC... uhhh... I don't think you missed to much other then the RPs and all.
Depression isn't fun. I myself have depression (to the point where I've attempted to :x myself) so if you ever need to talk I'm here for you. And I don't think you've missed to much, it's all kinda been the usual. :)
Thank you! I just feel well a little idk about missing out on stuff because you all are so great and I just feel idk..... that does not make sense but yeah....
@Aspenray I get it. But everyone needs to take time for themselves. Sometimes activities can be overwhelming, so it's completely fine to take breaks. And you never have to apologize for that, you should always put mental health before things like this. You can take as much or as little time as you need, we will always welcome you.
Thank you all! I think I’m going to take a break from RPs for a while and you all are so great you guys make me smile on a daily basis I can’t express how much I appreciate you guys.
all good, girl. Depression is terrible, but don't let those demons get the best of you. I myself, think angels are much better. Plus, they have wings.
Anyway, I'll be here for you incase you need my to punch that depression away. I bet I sound pretty dumb rn cuz I'm usually the depressed one, but eh it's mostly because of my parents.
ANYWAY, OFF TOPIC... uhhh... I don't think you missed to much other then the RPs and all.
Depression isn't fun. I myself have depression (to the point where I've attempted to :x myself) so if you ever need to talk I'm here for you. And I don't think you've missed to much, it's all kinda been the usual. :)
Yep well thanks! I really need to get on RPs more
That's fine, and you haven't missed much, just art stuff, RPs, random posts, the usual XD