Remember when I said I had a special surprise for Riverbreeze’s B-day? Well, in all it two-day-late glory, here it is! From left to right, that is Riverbreeze, Blossomflight (sorry about how redish she looks), and Greywood.
AWW!!! Thanks Wispi!! Ur super close on Graywood. He is a palomino with 2 hind socks, a stripe, and gray wings tipped in ligtht green. THAT LOOKS AWESOME!!
FYI, the reason I was late was because I didn’t know what Greywood looked like, and was to lazy to look it up all day yesterday because I just had the flu.
Dang it. SO close. But your welcome River
AWW!!! Thanks Wispi!! Ur super close on Graywood. He is a palomino with 2 hind socks, a stripe, and gray wings tipped in ligtht green. THAT LOOKS AWESOME!!
RAINTREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHY DID THAT COUGAR OR PUMA DO THAt to YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you think that’s good, wait ‘til you see Thunderray and Raintree! (Raintree :’( )
Cool! And happy belated birthday Riverbreeze
And thanks :)
I’ve still got that after-cough thing, but other than that I feel okay. Still feel a bit weak from lack of food though.
Good job!!! The flu stinks, I had to go home from camp a few weeks ago cause I got the flu. Hope your better!!
FYI, the reason I was late was because I didn’t know what Greywood looked like, and was to lazy to look it up all day yesterday because I just had the flu.