Morningleaf gasped, and Star felt his heart swell. What if she says no? As if reading his mine she said. "No." Star stood his whole body quivering. There was a long moment of silence "Are you serious? What do I look to you Brackentail the Betrayer!?" She laughed. "YES! YES I WILL BE YOUR MATE!" She wrapped her wings around his. And star took the deepest and longest breath he ever breathed in his life and the whole world seemed to be sighing with relief. Rays of light lit the whole entire sky. "The ancestors." He whispered. Morningleaf leaned on him. He was not very suprised to see all silver streaks, Silverlake, along with bright, bold, crimson, Thundersky. He also saw white, and yellow and slightly brown, Bumblewind, and his mother, Lightfeather. He didn't forget to look at the mighty green rays dancing in the light, along with pink to, Grasswing and Mossberry. All of those deceased pegasi. Who risked there life following him and loving him, and all at one place. He bowed his head, thanking them, and so did Morningleaf. With everything going on, even there maybe own foal at risk, the two mates rested on eachother, as content as they can be.
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Me too!!!!
Same here!!!
Oh thank goodness Morningleaf was just joking when she said no. I was about to have a heart attack!
Same here i literally CAN NOT wai ttill season 2!!!!
I just read it!!!! I LOVE it!!!❤️
Just made the new story the name is Moonheart and she is a filly ^-^
The ceremony isn't as important as the foal, so if you can't fit it that's fine. And do you have any name or gender ideas yet?
I feel like since this is a time of urgency and the foal is a big part. The cermony shouldnt have to be rushed if you know what i mean! P.S I was truly honestly scared for my favorite ships sake!😂
Thinking about that... but i dont think i can fit a ceremony and morningleaf giving birth to her foal all in the last episode. But i will certainly try and make something like that! :D
I got so scared there for a minute!
That was the least Disappointing thing you ever wrote!!!!!! So they're already mates or is there still a ceremony?
HEY GUYS! xD This was the hardest story I had to make yet. I didn't know if Starleaf should nuzzle each other, or blah blah blah. :P So I thought of doing something new for a change like them kissing but I thought that wouldn't be appropriate since they are pegasi. So sorry if I made you upset... xD Hope you enjoy! Wait... somethings missing... 1 MORE EPISODE AND WE ARE DONE WITH SEASON 1 GUYS! Before then I again want to say hope you enjoy the series and thanks for getting out of your way and reading! ^-^ If you haven't seen part 8 or so on here is where to find them:
Part 1: Guest book Part 2: Favorite ships Part 3, 4, 5, and so on will be in herd chat. Make sure to comment below for any ideas you want me to add! ^-^