Rainblaze: -waves wing to the crowd- Hello everyone and welcome back to the Star vs. Nightwing Battle Drawing Challenge! But this time CassTucker1 will be announcing the WINNERS!!!
CassTucker1: But first I would like to apologize for completely forgetting about this challenge and not posting the winners sooner. Sorry!
Now to the best part!!!
🥉 The third place prize goes too....

You win a feather drawing of any choosen pegasi!!! (2 feathers max. Drawing will be done on the computer. It might be awhile before I finish it)
🥈 Second place goes to...

You win a headshot of any two pegasi of your choice! (Max is 2. Drawing will be done on computer. I might not get done with it for a while)
And last but not least.... our first place winner goes too...

You win a drawing of three full-body pegasi! (Max 3. Drawing will be done on computer. Again, I have no idea when it’ll be done)
Rainblaze: It was very hard for Cass to decide the winners. Everyone did incredible! Including those who didnt win!! Congratulations everyone!!!
Name: Coperpool
Gender: male
Age: 13 (horse years.)
Coat: Coper colored
Mane/tail: goldish coper
Wings: Sky blue
Markings: Two white hind socks, thin blaze.
Crush: Iceblaze and Rainblaze
Mate: none
Sister: Junetree
Personality: Energetic, playful, loyal, true warrior.
One sec......
Thanks Dragon, and sure Wispi! What’s Coperpool’s description?
YESSSS!!!!!! Can you do the two headshots on the same paper of Rainblaze and Coperpool?
it's in here... I think: theguardianherd.com/messageboard/fan-fiction/honeyfall-s-story-character-description-sneak-peak
Your profile pic fits you best I think Dragon, but okay. Can you give me Willowfrost’s description?
Lol, yeah I decided to change it back to my original profile pic
CONGRATS EVERYONE!!!!!!!! ALL OF THE DRAWINGS WERE AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!! And Dragon I remember back when you were called Dragon Army (the new profile pic made me say that) :)
Could you draw Willowfrost's feather?
Because the shade of black I used plus the shade of gray I used to do him turned brown, and I couldn't go back and erase that far
Btw Dragon, I’m curious, how come Nightwing looks like a bay?