Fuchsiafire: -suppresses a pleased smile (sorta me...)- -turns a less deep red- If you say so. But really, I think you would’ve figured it out. You’re very smart. -turns deeper red again-
Sprucflame: I explained that already. You saved my life. Oh, sure, you seem confident I would have been fine. But I'm the one whose life we're talking about, and I was clueless on getting out of the jet stream. You can disagree, but I think that if you hadn't intervened I'd be dead.
Starflight: -listens to what Rainfeather will say next- -without thinking searches the crowd for Raintree and spots her pretty feathers almost immediately- -walks over coolly and stands next to her- -charming smile-
(There’s a 42 now in case you weren’t aware)
( back )
Starflight: -suppresses the bigger smile- -leans closer so as to hear better what’s going on in the air-
(Gonna make 42!)
Raintree: -yawns- Mom.. just say it..
Rainfeather: -vanish-
Raintree: Wow.. -he brushed her wing against his- I'll drag her back. :3 -kicks off-
Rainfeather: NAH WE BESTIES! =D
Fuchsiafire: -suppresses a pleased smile (sorta me...)- -turns a less deep red- If you say so. But really, I think you would’ve figured it out. You’re very smart. -turns deeper red again-
(I would never ever say that last thing)
(gtg . . . again)
Raintree: -she shot a sideways glanse at him and then back at Rainfeather, excited on what she'll say-
Sprucflame: I explained that already. You saved my life. Oh, sure, you seem confident I would have been fine. But I'm the one whose life we're talking about, and I was clueless on getting out of the jet stream. You can disagree, but I think that if you hadn't intervened I'd be dead.
(Okay, awkward. And I gtg to bed)
Starflight: -listens to what Rainfeather will say next- -without thinking searches the crowd for Raintree and spots her pretty feathers almost immediately- -walks over coolly and stands next to her- -charming smile-
Fuchsiafire: Wow this is awkward... Why did you have to thank me?!
Wintertwilight: -sighs- -casually joins her loaf in the game circle-
Wintermist: I mean what you really think of her, not what she wants to hear.
Forestshadow: Mhm! :D
Rainfeather: -deep inside-
Wintermist: -grins- Okay, hmm . . . I dare you to tell Forestshadow what you think of her. -smiles evilly-
Rainfeather: DARE!!! =D
Goldenleaf: x wipes brow and continues playing x
Nightmist: x leans in so far falls down x ACK
Flare: O_O
Nightmist: x satnds up and brushes self off x All good here!