Master Shipping plan! Here we go people and pegasi! Rainfeather, your special part is coming up fast!
( k )
(Making 19 k?)
(Where did everyone go?)
Junetree: Oh no you don’t! -brings him back to the ground and chains, tapes, glues, and pins his wings-
( No but i've seen the books and almost got one )
Dreamdrop: x mumbles x NEVER!
Sunraider: x rears and flies up and the chains release x
(Hey Nightflare, have you ever read Wings Of Fire?)
Junetree: Then GIVE UP!!!
( k )
Dreamdrop: x sighs and falls asleep x
Sunraider: x prances because he has a phobia of small spaces x I CAN'T TAKE THIS ANYMORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(Worse, ALL DEVICES AND ELECTRONICS!!!!! It be torcher.)
Junetree: -chains Sunraider again and reinforces the chains so he can’t escape for over twenty four hours- That’ll hold ya!
( Banned? Banned from what? The MB?! )
(Sorry I was gone so long, I got banned...)
Dreamdrop: LET US GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sunraider: Here we go again x shakes head and breaks chain but doesn't move and only breaks it because it's uncomfortable x
Dreamdrop: x doesn't move because she can't break the forcefield again x
Junetree: HOLD EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-watches everyone freeze, watching what’s she would do- -puts forcefield background up and personally re-chains everyone, adding Greywood and Riverbreeze-
Sunraider: ya we just got here my names Sunraider and i'm totally cool
Dreamdrop: x glares at SUnraider and sigh x My name is Dreamdrop
Silvermist:" , I don't believe we've met. * She waved her tired wing in acknowledgment to Sunraider, and Dreamdrop.* I'm Silvermist.
Bad side o Rainfeather: wait Rainfeather, you have to stick with the plan, revenge...
Good side o Rainfeather: Cmon enjoy having fun while you can, you only have a few months until you're a dam.
Bad side o Rainfeather: But shipping is fun to...
Good side o Rainfeather: But you never have the time for a ramming party....
x Good side o Rainfeather wins x
HYA! x jumps on everyone x