Rainblaze: -waves wing- Hey guys! CassTucker1 has brought you another, bigger, funner challenge for you!
CassTucker1: It’s kinda like trivia, but instead you have to fill in the blank for the question. For example:
1. Star is the ______ foal of Anok.
Random person: Black!
Me: Correct!
It’s pretty simple, although some sentences may be a little tricky. Other than that, it’s pretty easy.
There will be 17 posts in total, not including this one. Each post will have one question. At the top it will be labeled ”Starfire” ”Stormbound” etc.
3 posts will have sentences from Starfire, 4 posts for Stormbound, 4 posts again for Landfall, and 6 for Windborn.
Rainblaze: A feather drawing of any choosen OC or character will be given to each person as a prize if you fill in the blank correctly.
1. Say you answer the first post correctly, then you have to wait until the 4th post to be able to participate again. If you correctly answer one post, then you have to wait until 3 more posts in order to try to answer again. Get what I mean?
2. This is the main rule: YOU CANNOT LOOK BACK IN THE BOOK
3: Have fun!
Never mind, I found the post
So when are we doing this?
No need to ask, but of course you can join
Do we have to ask before joining? if so, can I join?
Got it! This is going to be fun! :)
Your welcome, but I’m gonna post the first now
Yeah, me to. Thanks for not posting the "Fill in the blank" when you created this post, other wise I couldn't participate
Sounds like fun! I’m in!!!!