Star looked at his mate, Morningleaf, and sighed. The mare was asleep, her eyes fluttering and ears swiveling. She was dreaming. He smiled at how cute she looked. He then stared up at the sky. The black pasture was littered with golden stars that looked more like spheres to him. Then something caught his eye. A huge, bright star was shining light. Like the moon, only more golden. It swept across Morningleaf, and her belly. She was going to give birth any day. Star looked up at the black roan sky again. He stared at the Hundred Year Star, wondering why it was hanging there. Perhaps Riversun had been born with the Starfire? He thought. Then a streak of white blazed across the sky. It zoomed down and landed in front of Star. Star gasped. An Ancestor! Who had pure white feathers? Then the body formed. A pure white mare with white feathers, a white mane and white ringlet tail had formed in front of Star's eyes. He gasped. "Star," Lightfeather spoke. "The filly your mare will give birth to will be born with the Starfire. She will become the healer when she makes it past her first birthday. She is special. Guard her with your life." She said. Star bowed his head, tears blurring his vision. "Yes, mother." He spoke. "Star?" Lightleaf asked. "I miss you. I love you." Then she transformed back into a white blaze, and lifted off. Star watched the white feather run across the sky, as if it was a meadow for a newborn to play in. "I... love you too, mother." He whispered to the white speck which had now disappeared into the sky. A single tear dripped off his snout and planted itself into the ground. "But danger awaits your filly," a voice whispered. Star pricked his ears. The voice was strange. Unfamiliar, but familiar; cold, but warm. It didnt matter to Star. To him it was a blend of each one. "She has a destiny, like you. Riversun is out there somewhere. She is in hibernation like Nightwing was. That's why she was born dead. She wasn't dead at all; she was in hibernation. When your filly accepts the Hundred Year Star's power, she will awaken a new threat: Riversun. But she has powerful allies that are yet to be discovered." The voice whispered. "What allies?" Star asked, curios but cautious. "They're scaled, and they fly. No pegasus or Landwalker has seen them ever. They have gone into hiding. Your filly's arrival shall wake them. They will come to her aid whenever possible, for they know their fate." The voice spoke. Star was about ready to collapse with disbelief. "Oh, one more thing," the voice said. "They breathe fire." Star collapsed at this point. "What?!" He wheezed. "They know their destiny, but they are powerful. Some shall not accept their fate; beware those who do not." The voice drifted off. Star closed his eyes, hoping this was all a dream. Morngleaf giving birth to a filly? That was almost too good to be true. Her filly being born with the Starfire? The filly's acception of the Starfire awakening Riversun? The filly's arrival shall alert an unkown species that no pegasus or Landwalker had ever seen? Sleep slowly claimed Star, but he was grateful when it did. His mind slipped into darkness.
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Those questions are all very specific XD! I think you should ask the ones that are more factual answered to Miss Alvarez, like pretty much all of them except 1. Sorry, but Star is not my OC, he is Miss Alvarez's, and she controls his actions! XD. Anyway, to answer your first question, I guess it would drip from his eye diagonally down the side of his lower jaw then drip off, and I guess his tear would be around 8, the temparature of how warm his heart is and the starfire too. Tbh I forgot this fanfic I wrote even existed lol thx for the questions! And welcome to the Message Board!
I have a few questions about that scene where Star cried:
"A single tear dripped off his snout and planted itself into the ground."
1. When Star was crying, did his tear specifically drip down:
A: The bridge of his snout and off the tip of his nose as he hung his head
B: The side of his snout diagonally and off his lower jaw
2. Exactly how would Star react and what would he say to me if I hugged him and licked that tear dripping down his snout with my tongue? Because every time I read the scene where he cries, I fantasize licking that tear from Star's snout to comfort him as he cries.
3. On a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being the saltiest, exactly how salty would Star's tear taste on my tongue if I licked it directly from his snout?
4. Exactly how warm was that tear dripping down Star's snout as he cried? On a scale from 1 to 10 with 1 being frozen and 10 being scalding hot, where would you rate the temperature of Star's tear?
I know these questions sound weird but please please please reply back!
No problem!
thanks guys
Your welcome Water Horse! I really like your story ❤
Cass XD i will and thanks for the comment Midnightfeather i didnt see it before :)
Dragon yup you would know :) its a dragon
This is ssooo cute!
I can't wait to read the rest of the story
Is the unknown reptile a dragon?
Try and guess what the unknown flying reptile is... 0.0 if given you so many hints. IF YOU DONT GET THIS I'LL #SlapYouWithASkillet also the rest of the story will be done in first person view in case you get confused :) hope you enjoy this new series!!