Moonheart and her friends coasted over Crabwing's bay. Heading to River Herd. Stormtail drifted beside her. "You never told us your plan." Moonheart drew her eyes away from his. He wanted to tell her best friend and the others, but she didn't think they would accept it. And it included allying with... someone who doesn't have a great history with River Herd. It also included letting Riversun chase her, which more than tempted the experianced mare to use her silver fire. Moonheart would be right in front of her. "Tell me Moon." Stormtail urged. Moonheart felt uncomfortable not telling him. "I- I'll tell you later." Her friends nodded, satisfied. Windsun perked her ears as she spotted a cave near the bay. "We should rest here for the rest of the day." Moonheart, Stormtail, and Starfrost agreed. Once Moonheart felt the warm sand tingling on her sore wings she rested there, unaware that she was exposed. "WATCH OUT!" Starfrost brayed and pushed her out of the way. Moonheart looked up to see at least twenty-seven powerful steeds rushing toward her. Starfrost darted out of the way. Windsun and Stormtail followed. "Not again..." Moonheart moaned. She was already out of energy. Even her starfire couldn't hold her for so long. Determined to not get captured again she gave in all her energy to fly away. If she was tired and had the golden fire, what about her friends? "I'll keep them busy, I'll catch up with you later." "But-" Starfrost covered her mouth. "I'll catch up with you later." His stern voice made her notice that the steeds were getting closer. Stormtail brushed his wing with hers. "Lets go." Windsun nodded in agreement. Moonheart hesitated, then flew off with her friends. Moonheart looked back to see Starfrost nipping and kicking the nearby steeds. Frostfire would kill her. One came her way so she darted faster looking foward, neck flat ears pinned. She had to escape. For everyone's sake.
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So good!!!! Csnt wait for more!!!!!!! :D
Me to!!!
I did enjoy it and I'm dying for the next one lol
Welp this is part 7. This was one of my favorite episodes to write! It had the good old juice I waited to put in there. Hope you enjoyed stay tooned! ;D
This is amazing!!!!