The two pegasi clashed together. Riversun blasted Moonheart with silver fire. But she deflected it with her shield. When she was done she unrealed her shield and dived for her wings. Riversun darted to the ground. Her eyes glowed silver. Moonheart tried to use her shield, but not before she freed herself, she glided down and opened her wings, revealing a bright silver light. Moonheart let out a high pitched whinny that she couldn't control. Riversun kicked her in the chest, bursting the air out of her lungs. She didn't notice she was crashing toward land at full speed. Riversun panted sending the silver seed up and out. Riversun was going to kill her. Time slowed. Moonheart looked around. Everywhere she looked she saw the pegasi screaming and flying for there life. But she didn't hear them. But she did see something in them. Fear. Moonheart closed her eyes hearing only the rapid thumping of her heart. She wouldn't fail Anok. Moonheart opened her eyes. She dashed upward. For a second she thought she was in a jet stream, but she was going as fast as one. She opened her wings which suprisingly didn't burn. She sped and sped until she was just a blur of gold. She charged at Riversun who shut her eyes. She crashed to the ground. The impact making stones and dirt fall on top of her until she was a pile of soil. The pegasi watched for a long moment. Hours seem to have past. Light blasted threw the stones which exploded. She threw her wings, unharmed and protected with her shield. "You cant beat me." she hissed. Moonheart bowed her head. "I'm not planning to." Riversun perked her ears. "I know what you want. You want to be loved. Vengeance would never help with that. I can give you love, I can give you care. I can give you a family. You're hurt. And I don't blame you. But you have to let go. Or you'll never move on. Never be happy. You can end all of this with no punishments. You can live the life you wanted. Make the right choice Riversun." The mare breathing slowed. Her hooves and eyes turned normal. She drifted to land, and collapsed. The pegasi looked at her. And then bowed there heads. Even Stormtail's herd did. Morningleaf whinnied. "You did it Moon." Happy nickers filled the valley, and Moonheart glimpsed Brackentail rush to her side. All of Anok gathered in one. They walked down the vein. Brackentail trotted toward Star and Morningleaf. He nuzzled both of them, and star bowed his head. And Morningleaf nickered softly. He flew over to Riversun and nuzzled her. He then landed, walking like a horse deep in the forest, and disapeared. Stormflight and Starfrost nuzzled her. "You did the right thing." whispered Starfrost. She nodded and flew next to her sire and dam. There on forth the herds united. The noticed the number of black foals increased. She knew there would never be an only black foal again. She was sure of it. She rested on her sire's shoulder, content. The herds were united. And the generation passes on.
The End

Four words. Love!! And I'll miss this.
Well, if you have any ideas for a continuation please comment below! :D And thx! ^-^
Aww did it have to end? But this was an amazing ending!!!
This was AMAZING!!!
This was the best story I ever wrote yet. I am actually crying right now. I don't think I will be doing another story in a while. So this is good bye. :(
HAHA! KIDDING! xD I will definetly do more! Comment below what should season 3 be about! :D
I'll see you all soon! Hope you enjoyed the series! :)