Holy cow that looks like it's going to be awesome, but for a few seconds I thought that it might be just one of those dumb misleading fan made trailers made form clips of Aslan from the Narnia movies, but I looked it up and it's official: The Lion King live action remake is coming out in 2019!
Thats what I was thinking too Dragon, but if its real... HOLY COW THAT IS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!
Lol *first thoughts when reading title* OH LORDY HERE WE GO XD
And yes Pananah I love thme all too
-counts off on fingers- The Lion the Witch And The Wardrobe, Prince Caspian, The Voyage Of The Dawntreader, -sighs contently- I love ‘em all.
Cool. Dragon have you ever seen The Lion, The Witch, And The Wardrobe? Its a movie based on the Narnia book The Lion, The Witch, And The Wardrobe.
Holy cow that looks like it's going to be awesome, but for a few seconds I thought that it might be just one of those dumb misleading fan made trailers made form clips of Aslan from the Narnia movies, but I looked it up and it's official: The Lion King live action remake is coming out in 2019!
i've seen number one but awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Btw that post name is hilarious lol
Lol I’ve never seen any of those movies (although I have always wanted to) but I can guess how you’re feeling Rain xD