Okay, so, you know the toxic friend that was the cause of my depression, suicidal thoughts etc.? ^
We just had a fight, and I tried to tell them everything except the things above, and I thoguht that I was finally going to end things with them. But then they acted like everything was alright, and now I'm starting to freak out. I'm worried because maybe that they still think I'm their friend and they won't treat me like I'm the human equivalent to a garbage bin? But then again, I'm wondering whether or not they WILL treat me like the human equivalent to a garbage bin as soon as i act friendly towards them again. I feel like I'm trapped, and I need help. I've already prayed, and you guys are the only other people I trust to tell (aside from my mum and my dog of course). You can pray only if you want to. I love you all
Aw! I don't know what to say! You're having so many trials and hardships Echo! I feel spoiled. Fracturing my arm twice seems nothing compared to what you've been through. I just wanted to say that, "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him will not perish, (spiritually), but have eternal life. For God did not send His son into the world to judge the world, but that many might be saved through Him." John 3:16-17, I just wanted to encourage you Echo. If I could have one super power right now, I'd reach through this screen a give you a great big hug full of feathers. Not kidding, I would!
Do you understand what the gospel is Echo?
It means, Good News
I know this story all to well, what confuses me that every one is saying to drop her its not that easy. If you do you will be shunned and she will make everyone hate you until you have no choice but to give into her and apologise I know im 2 months late but I wanted to clear that up. I know this because it happened to me with the same person but in my case much worse I don't want to go into details so lets just say it was toxic to say the least. she moved schools so she doesn't bother us anymore much but she still tries to be friends with echomoon and Morningstar. I would tell you more details about how she tries to keep in contact with them and how she acts like nothing happened between them that was bad, but its not my place to say those things in detail if echomoon and Morningstar want to say the details thats fine but again its not my place to say much about this touchy subject
I am very late too. But I do agree with Olive in the suggestion to drop em, but like Wispi, I’ll pray for them and you too!
I know I’m a bit late and all, but I will definitely pray for you, and for your ‘friend’ who is in obvious need of prayer.
Thanks guys, this means a lot to me :)
Awwww! Echo!!! OF COURSE I'LL PRAY 4 U GURL!!!!!!! Anything else I can do? I hope you get things resolved...
Has she made any attempt to apologize or make you feel less like trash?
Thank you all. Should I do it now or wait until we have another argument?
EGGxactly :)
Echo, form what you've said in pervious posts, you have been struggling with your 'friendship' with this person for a long time. In my experience, sometimes people do things without thinking, and don't realize that their actions are hurting you. I say, that since you've finally called her out, you should give her a chance to redeem herself. Who knows? She might feel sorry for the way she's been treating you and as for forgiveness. But if she doesn't seem to be at least trying to be nicer, kick her to the curb (not literally of course), because if she doesn't value you, you have no obligation to hang out with her.
Alright. I'm going completely against what Olive said. I think you should try giving them another chance. Try telling them you're confused and you don't know what to do. Try telling them you need help or something idk. But, if this last chance does NOT work, than do exactly what Olive said :)
I know I'm SOOOO evil XD. But we're here for you Echo
im going to give it to you straight. drop em. They are not worth your time if they call you thinks and make you feel suicidal. Now I’m not saying go kick their behind, but just make sure they know (in a kind way) that you either need a break or just don’t want to see each other anymore. Never do this over text and do it somewhere private, I know it can be hard, really hard. But you’ve got to trust me. I had this one “friend” Last year who was a total jerk, and made Me feel like nothing. When going into Hs I dropped her and I honestly had been the happiest id ever been in a long time. But then, they changed my schedule and now I’m in her class again, and I sit right next to her! It sucks but I’m trying to ignore her snobbish comments. But really if they are bothering you that much, then they don’t deserve to be your friend.