Yeah, so I just wanted to remind you guys that you have less then a week to make your planes and get them decorated. I hope that everyone will get their entries posted by the dead line, witch is July 30th at 8:00pm (AK time). Only Flamefrost has got his plane completed, so as of right now, anyone who finishes their entries and get's them in has a very good chance of getting one of my top three prizes, witch are:
🥇(1st) A non digital drawing of a human OC, plus a digital feather drawing
🥈(2d) A digital pegasus drawing, plus a digital feather drawing
🥉(3rd) A ship drawing, plus a digital feather drawing
I think those are pretty great prizes if I do say so myself, and I would hate for you guys to miss out. Anyways, here's a list of the planes that I am hoping to see in the next few days, with who were assigned them:
A Petalcloud plane, by StellarStar
A Sunray plane, by Dawnfeather
A Dawnfir plane, by Nightmist
A Frostfire plane, by Love Those Cats
And a Echofrost plane, by CassTucker1
Like I said before, I hope that all of you get your planes in on time, and if anyone else is interested in entering, it's not to late, just click on the like to go to the Challenge post:
Okay, that leaves her plenty of time to finish up
Cass is on vaca until tomorrow.