IF you want to give your information about your Pegasus. I can create it if you like.Here's an exampleName:Coat color:Mane and tail:Wing color:Friends:Any additional info you would like me to put in
Here you go
ooo do you still do these?
name: Amberfrost
herd: half snow half sun (so middle furry hooves)
coat colour: dark brown fading to light brown with white flecked throughout
mane and tail: flaxen, light yellow at top then dark yellow at the bottom
wing colour: pink
Friends: Shadepebble
your welcome. It is really fun to make
Thank you! I flipped it
To Rainfire
Name; Shadestorm
Coat color; Light bay four white socks wide blaze
Mane and tail ; black
Wing color; Sky blue
Freinds ; Oakblaze, Dawnleaf
Herd; Mountain herd
Gender ; Female
To Icesong
Name: MorningDew
Coat color: Dappled dark green and light purple
Mane and tail: purple
Wing color: green
Friends: StarFeather, ThunderFeather, LightningStorm
Would you do MorningDew?
i can do it now
yeah, I can still talk to everyone. When i get home, it wont take me long to make. I cant wait to do it!
Okay. Well then you can still talk!
not this website though
mine does. It blocks everything
(Do all schools block that?)
im in school right now but i will create it at home. plus i cant access the website it school.
This should be fun!!!!!!!
Name: freegreen:
Gender: Colt
Coat color: A brown and white paint.
Mane and tail: black faded to dark brown.
Wing color: Violet
Friends: TBD