It had been a long day of hot weather. The whole Herd seemed to be going to the Lake every few seconds. Now it was finally getting dark. Morningleaf sighed with contentment. " Isn't it a boutiful night? " Star shrugged. " I guess. " Morningleaf looked up. " Why do you say that? " Star sighed. He couldn't tell her he was thinking of his jeolousy of Brackentail. Yes, jeolousy. He had finally admitted to himself that he was jeolous of Brackentail and Morningleaf's relationship... Because he was in love with Morningleaf. Star stood. " Let's go to Crabwing's Bay. I'd like to be away from the Herd for a little while. " She also stood. " Alright. " The pair quickly kicked off before anyone could see them leave. " Star, are you alright? " Morningleaf asked. " You haven't spoken since we first started. " " Oh, sorry. I was just thinking about Bumblewind. " He replied. Morningleaf nodded, a tear falling from her eye. " I miss him to. " She said. Finally, they reached Crabwing's Bay. Star and Morningleaf landed and calapsed in the sand. "Why don't we stay here for the night?" He asked. " Sounds good. " She cuddled close to him and said, "Good night. " She closed her eyes, and he whispered, " Good night, precious Morningleaf. "
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Hey Clawberry! Glad you like it! 😊
Must read more!!!!!!!
p.s. Sorry for the delay on five. It took a while to think it up yesterday, plus I was band from my IPod for the night.
Glad you did!
Oh good!!!!!!!!!!
I'm probably gonna do about three a day.
Thanks 😊
This is really good so far!
I won't! And thanks!
Same!!!! Don't quit PLEASE!!!!!
I really like this!!!!!!!!
Hi guys! Remember when I drew a picture of a thought for a future foal for Star and Morningleaf? Well, this series is going to lead up to meeting, ( drumroll please,) Morningstar! Sorry if the story was to short, but I did the best I could. Hope you enjoy " Our Forever "!