For those of you who got confused (actually, that was my fault) about what day I was coming back, I meant to say Friday, not Saturday. And some of you may have seen that I commented on a few posts a few times during the week. Weeeeell, I may have been using my super laggy, but totally functional ‘other’ device that my dad let me take to Lancaster to take pictures. (Also, at one point I used a Target computer, but not important.) So sorry I didn’t say anything! But I’m really truly back now, so you are free to overload my notifications again xD. Well, maybe wait three more hours. ANYWAY, back to the point. I’m so happy to be back full-time!
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Lol, you should look it up Nightmist. But yeah, me too Dragon! I was like; “Okayyyy.... Wait,WHO THE HECK IS THIS?!?! I hate when people call text or message the wrong person by mistake, especially when it’s me! What will I say if it’s not someone I know?!”
XD. Also, Dragon, it's Minute, not minuet, because that is I think how you spell a song for beginner piano..... Minuet lol.
Okay, for a minuet or so there I though it might be an imposter lol
Yes Grace H. is me. My middle name is Grace, so I just changed it from pananah to Grace H. I wont say why I wrote it like that though
Idk, that's a question to ask her
Huh. Why would she call herself Grace H? Maybe her name is Hannah Grace [insert last name] or Grace Hannah [insert last name]...? But then why would she say her name is Hannah if it’s Grace and why would she put Grace first if it’s Hannah?
Idk, I was just curious about who 'Grace H.' was to, so I looked in my messages, and saw her name came up on the 'one on one' chat I had opened up with Pananah/Brightberry
No, I don't think her last name started with H.
But her name is Hannah.
That would be Pananah, I think she change her name
Does her last name start with an H?
I mean, I know a Grace, but I HIGHLY doubt it's her.
I know a Grace J (16) and a Grace S (14), but no Grace H
XD. Yeah.
Darn, guess I’ll actually have to message her back if she’s not Riverbreeze. River has never told anyone her name...
Nope. Never heard of her :)
Also, anyone know a Grace H.? I got a super odd email forwarded from Pinterest messages. River, that wasn’t you was it?
Geez, thanks a lot for underestimating me. I was VERY careful and completely erased everything I did from the computer.
Terrible idea to use a public Target computer since it’s easier for someone to hack, but ANYWAY welcome back