Sunnythorn: "I kinda disappointed about this guys, but Nightmist was the only one to complete the OC/style drawing challenge.
Thistlestorm: "But never the less Nightmist won this challenge fair and square."
Sunnythorn: "Yes, Nightmist you have won a digital drawing of your choice of OC or original TGH character, and a drawing of your choice of OC or original TGH character's feather with any background of your choice."
Thistlestorm: "And that's not all! Dragon would like to thank you for being the only one to complete your drawing and she will do a drawing of the ship of your choice!"
(depending on a lot of stuff it may or may not be done digitally)
Sunnythorn: "So before we get on to the special bonus, let's take a look at Nightmist's drawing of Copperpool as a littlest pet shop toy!"

Thistlestorm: "Oh, that look's soooooo cool!"
Sunnythorn: "I know right, anyway Dragon wanted to do a mini Easter egg challenge."
Thistlestorm: "Yeah, she wants you guys to create a drawing of a Easter egg inspired by either an original TGH character or a TGH OC."
Sunnythorn: "Everyone is limited to one entre, but everyone who creates one will get a feather drawing!"
Thistlestorm: "Have fun guys, and remember that Jesus is risen!"

Who's feather do you want?
Here you go!!
Umm... I was thinking more along the lines of specific colors
What? Oh . . . so her wing is multiple colors but each feather is only one color? Something like that?
Wishrivers feathers/wing: just like the egg but without lines and not on a single say you are coloring the bottom blue, color it exactly like that on the wing
Can I have Wishriver's description?
Umm... okay
Lol Dragon Can do Feather drawing of Wishrivers? Just try your best lol;D
Ok Ill start it!
Ohhhhhhhhhhh.... Can I do Isolda's?
Draw an egg that is some how connected to either an original TGH character, or TGH OC. Then if you post it I'll draw you a feather with you chose of background
<<<still comfused O.o
Yes, that is correct
Ohhhhh Ok
I think she was saying yes you can.
Wait I'm confused. Can you or can you not do a TGH character or a OC?
Hmm . . . . How about Bronzewing's feather? It's bronze (like rust or copper)-colored, as the name suggests
That counts Flamefrost, and you are correct Wispi. Who's feather do you want Flamefrost, with what background?