It took Star a second to realize what he was hearing. Sweetroot showed him the way and he bolted towards the thicket. Behind it was were Morningleaf lay, wings wrapped over a wet filly. She was pure, sleek black, and had a shite star on her forehead. Her mane and tail were brilliant gold. Her tiny wings were brilliant, illuminating gold and were dipped in black. Star snuggled next to his filly, smiling to himself: Black Foal. This thought entered his mind. She was a black filly. Morningleaf had noticed this and was smiling too. "She is a black foal. She has the Starfire, Star. What should we call her?" Morningleaf said. She was now nuzzling the little filly, who was shaking her head and sneezing. Star thought about this for a while. "Starsong," he finally said. "She has a Star, and her life will be and endless melody of happiness for us." He explained. "Starsong it is," Morningleaf nickered to her filly. Starsong looked up, licked her mother's muzzle, and sneezed again. The next two things that happened made Star sure that she had the Starfire: she had amethyst coloured eyes. Not very many pegasi have this colour eyes. And just then, all the pegasi of the United Herd visited them to see what was going on. When they saw the filly, they instantly said that she was the new black foal of Anok. But Star didn't like the term Black Foal anymore. He thought that reminded everyone of Nightwing, and his filly was nothing like Nightwing. "Mythicmare," he said. Morningleaf looked at him, perpelexed. Star nodded to himself and stood up. "Starsong, Daughter of Star and Morningleaf, we welcome you to United Herd. Welcome, Mythicmare of Anok." Star declared in front of everyone, in a voice loud enough that it boomed across the valley. Star and Morningleaf both thought that Mythicmare sounded a lot better than Black Foal.
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ick ick ick ick ewwwwww old writing so c r I n g Y
Amazing story so far!!!
Thanks for the praising comments guys :) it really mean a lot to me :) and alos: I COULDNT LOG IN FOR ONE DAY AND I MISS ALL OF THESE COMMENTS!!? WOAH XDX DXDXDXDXD
Ya no kidding!
This story is so good!
Phew :3 I thought is was just a dream :3
Lol yes Morningleaf and Star are mates thankfully!
question: So if Starson is the filly of morningleaf and sweetroot called star out of the clearing to meet his new filly, does that mean Starleaf are mates? And if or when they became mates did brackentail get jelly. Ya got the talent girl. I usually write my stories from heart, not thinking over it. You got all the stories rooted in place. I wonder what other stories would come out. From other peeps o:
This story is amazing!
Np! 😁
lol thanks :)
lol I'm excited!
First comment u posted: Thanku!!! :D
Second comment u posted: I agree!! :D
Third comment u posted: you'll see in the next chapter, which will be done in Starsong's pov :)
I have a question... what does Brackentail think of this??
Mythicmare... sounds much better than a Black Foal!