Ok, so Lightray has a new look! I am planning on making a picture soon, but...that'll happen eventually. :)
She is now a light grey snowcap appaloosa with badger face and star and stripe. (a lot, i know. Maybe went a bit crazy but it's done now lol) Her feather are a light purple that fade to a light blue! :)
For visual representation:

(I know I know, it's bad. But I was kinda in a hurry so...
Lightray: Ya darn right it's bad! Its a personal insult to my kind! And me!!!! Me: Keep your feathers on Im working on a better drawing as fast as I can)
So yes!
Hope ya like her!
Thanks everyone!!!
I LOVE it! <3
That's a really gorgeous re-design, Lightray!!! :D
I love it!
That is a really cool design!