📷📷Rachel ZuccoRegistered Nurse at Open Door Community Health Centers · January 27 at 2:48 PM
My Talulah died this morning. I’m writing this post because I would like all of my fellow animal adopters to know that she went into shock this morning about 20 hours after she received a new flea medication called Bravecto. She died almost exactly 24 hours after receiving Bravecto. Talulah was a very healthy, active cat. I would reconsider this medication if you have used it or use an alternative flea medication. I am now reading that this medication is causing serious problems for both cats and dogs, including death. I will never again give my animals any medication without doing extensive research, even if it is prescribed by a vet. It was not her time to go. She trusted me as her companion, and I let her down. Please reconsider this drug.
I'm laying on my couch hissing, i'm so sorry for that poor cat. I am probably the biggest animal lover in my hole school,
I am so sorry. I know what it is like to loose a loved cat. It’s hard to get over things like this, but just know that we MBers are here for you.
Sorry lol, just trying to warn you guys against this drug. The reports on this include a total of 9 deaths!
I forgot to mention that! So sorry oops.
Not my cat btw lol, This person idk, shared from liberty Bengals cattery
Fly Straight and Find Your Rest! I am so so sorry that you lost your poor Taluhlah!!!! I know what its like to loose a cat that is close to you. At first you blame the people who caused it, then you blame yourself. Trust me when I say it gets easier. Its sad that it does, but it does get better. It took me 2 1/2 years but now its better. It'll get better for you as well.
Fly Straight and find your rest, Talulah. I am very sorry that happened! And thank you for the warning
she is still with you maybe not in a body of a cat but her spirit lives on with you.
im sorry
I am so sorry for your loss... she will be missed.
Oh jeez..... I feel a there. My cat passed away recently, too. RIP Talulah. You will be missed.
I'm sorry that happened, but who is Rachel Zucco?
I'm sorry that happened, but who is Rachel Zucco?