Everyone who asked me for a feather drawing and has not received it yet, I am sorry. I have been very busy with my school, swim, and taking care of Olive and Tilly. It has been very hard for me to keep up with school, keeping track of what's going on with my brothers, and what's going on with my friends. It makes it really hard to find time to come on the message board, to keep track of what feathers to draw, and write The Story of Phoenix. Again if you wanted feather drawings I am sooooo sorry I haven't done them yet, and I promise to try to get them done in the next few days.
No need to apologize! Its all cool
Ok Rainfeather... I'll just say sorry twice!!
I feel u. AND IF U SAY SRRY AGAIN I SHALL SLAP U! u did no wrong. we can wait. <3
Don't worry about it