ok so i've been watching this youtuber named Valerie and she goes by Art Ala Carte. She's really helped me draw horses!!!!!! She has how to draw the body base, ears, eyes, mane, coloring them, and even how to draw a circle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She also does dragons, cats, wolves and many other creatures!!!!!!! So here's the link to her channel!!!!!!!
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfCEZQa7MvdIf_MkVRWP4Jw Here ya go!
She helped me draw Nightmist!!!!!
I don't know
Ooookaaayy .... what does that have to do with an art channel though?
I checked her channel!! I noticed the description of one of the videos said something about North Bend, OR... I LIVED THERE FOR 2 YEARS!!!!!! It was a nice place to live if you lived in a good neighborhood. Some of the neighborhoods were really dangerous there. One time a guy walked around a soccer field next to our house for 3 days... My parents wouldn't even let me go over to my friends house. They or someone else in the neighborhood- I don't remember- called the cops... And what do you know... He started acting like a NORMAL person when they answered the call!! He was muttering to himself before they came.
I remember you showed her to me a while ago, Inara! You're right, she's amazing!!! I'm subscribed
okie dokie!!!!!!!!
Cool! I’ll check it out!