I hope all of you have a wonderful day, and get to spend some time with your family. I also hope you all get fat from all le food. I know I will XD. I hope your not like me, who is currently sitting in her room drawing a picture of Star getting hit by a pie in the face, while the rest of her family is yelling at the TV while watching football. Like, the players aren't going to hear you!!! ITS A TV!!!
Starleaf: *Takes a step away*......OWO
Anyways, first thing that came to my mind was pumpkin pie. The first character I thought of was none other than le Bumble boy. So, I drew Bumblewind munchin on some pumpkin pie.
I hope you like le drawing!!
He ended up a darker color bay than I wanted but im still kida proud of this drawing. I still can't get the eyes right!!
doesnt matter u forgot his wings. it's beautiful all the same! STARLEAF IF YOU'RE BEATIN YOURSELF UP CUZ OF HIS WINGS THEN STOP IT RIGHT NOW IT'S BEAUTIFL
Wow, it looks great! Bumblewind would probably LOVE pumpkin pie.
We will
Have fun
That’s the movie
I love it. I hate seeing most of my family, so we skipped. We will watch a movie with my uncle later today
Me:*Stops hitting herself.*
Starleaf: *Smacks her* TEHEE
I'm not drawing but I is doing A dimond art, and then I tis be drawing XD, and I love that Drawaing of Bumblewind, (I can not spelllll tosay XD)