OK again my apologies for taking sooooooooo long to do this request but here is ECHOMOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Crowd goes wild with applause* This one actually had a big problem 'cause I had a gold pernament marker and I tried to use that for part of the mane and tail and it ruined everything so it took me a while to get it right lets just say. Anyway I hope ya'll find this drawing satisfying........introducing the one and only, Echomoon:

BTW I tried to add the amethyst eyes for ya Echomoon but I don't know if you can tell...
I'm begging you Em!
Welcome to the MG Birchpetal!
BIRCHPETAL HAS ARRIVED! Mind drawing me one? I am a buckskin mare with violet feathers.
Sorry Skyfeather, we kinda spammed you... XD
Hey guys, thanks again, I hope I can find all the request you guys did that I never go to do because my computer broke down. I'll see if I can get back into this!
Skyfeather? Kaylee?
AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!! Do you use guide lines? Because that is AMAZING AND AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
She sure has! But thats the best thing about her, she kills herself drawing for free to make us happy!! :}
Wow!! Echomoon you look great!!!!!!! You have out done yourself Kaylee!!!
and u thought Starsun was RANDOM
Thanks!!! And me neither!!
Can't wait to see him!!
Sure Cass I will get that done!
That looks great!! I love the wings 😄💛
Um... can you maybe have him rearing while facing us with his wings straight out?
Thanks again everyone I love getting requests!
OK sorry one more question CassTucker: Do you have a position you would like to put Mapleglade in?