Moonheart reared. "WHAT DO YOU WANT WITH RIVER HERD!?" She brayed, inraged. Elmglade narrowed his eyes. "Oh I don't want them. I just needed to draw your attention." His expression was smug, reminding her of Nightwing, which angered her even more. "You have no actual reason to be doing this." She rolled her eyes. She didn't get how all the descendants of a single lake herd pegasus were born with "a destiny" without seeing the other side of it. "And you have no experience of the power you abuse." "Oh really?" He took a breath explaining. "You, first of all might as well be the pegasus standing there where the useless pegasi who mindlessly follow him everywhere. After all the pain he caused to everyone, killed Grasswing, killed Mossberry, killed you grand-sire and grand-dam, killed Bumblewind, killed Nightwing, killed Petalcloud, killed Iceriver, killed Rockwing, did I miss something?" Tears filled in Moonheart's eyes. How did he know about all of that? Was he spying on the recent black foals? He stamped his hoof and yelled loud enough for all to hear, "IF THUNDERSKY EXECUTED HIM ON HIS BIRTHDAY NONE OF THOSE PEGASI WOULD BE DEAD! THIS CURSE HAS BEEN LAID UPON YOU! LAID UPON ALL OF YOU! BECAUSE YOU ARE HIS GUARDIAN HERD! YOU FAILED TO KILL HIM AND NOW YOU MUST LIVE WITH HIM. UNTIL YOU ALL DIE!" He panted drawing up his starfire about to send everyone to ash. She had seconds to block the attack. Star reared, Morningleaf whinnied, Brackentail closed his eyes, Riversun bared her teeth, and Flamewind bleated. These very hours, these very minutes, these very seconds, was the last if she didn't stop him.
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Well yeah that's true
Oh, right now, I feel like I will die if I don't get more details..... Ooooooooooooooooooh
Hewwo! We are almost at the end of season 3! If I made any mistakes I didn't edit so mind meh grammar and spelling. Anyway hope you enjoy and stay tuned! :D