I know it isn't really related and is a weird question to ask but I just love horror games especially when you watch other people play them with the reactions in them! and I know that there are people on here from all over the world so there should be some pretty different answers!
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maybe Five Nights at Freddy's but that game has surprises.
I don't know bud... you know they are called HORROR GAMES for a reason right?
I think that you may like tattletail @CrystalStreamz that may be your type of horror game but the mama tattletail does jumpscare the player some but I don't think it is a whole lot!
Hmm I’m not sure. I’m not big on those sorts of things. Jump scares tend to get me on edge. So I like horror games If there aren’t surprises.
ohh ok so you know it your just not aloud to play it?
ohh cool ever heard of the game Five Nights at Freddy's? most of the reactions to that game and the entire series, are amazing and priceless!
I can't think of any right now, wait, Gloom, kinda did a horror game once, the Don't press the bell one, her reactions are priceless
I like horror games just so I can search it up and then see people react to it! the reactions are usually priceless!😂😂
do you not know any horror games Chippy?? you know how you said that your heart broke because I didn't know about the hunger games much, mine just broke because you don't know any horror games!
answer as you'd like! and you can get off topic if you'd like and talk about other things this is a little like the chat post it just has a little more of a theme to it than that one does!