So... this isn’t related to TGH. This is barely related to the MB. This is related to real life, which includes the MB and the TGH community. Something has been troubling me a lot and I’ve seen it everywhere. Tons of people, especially young people, are self diagnosing themselves with depression and anxiety.
This. isn’t. okay. It’s okay to say that you THINK you have them, but don’t go around saying, “Oh that’s because of depression,” or “Oh that’s my OCD,”. It’s not cool.
This is coming from someone who has been told by more than one doctor that I have depression, several sorts of anxiety, and mild OCD. This isn’t a jab at anyone, this is just my take on the matter. It makes me highly uncomfortable seeing an eight year old girl on a forum (NOT the MB) start talking about her “depression” and sudden “panic attacks”.
Chances are you’re just worried or anxious at the time, unless you can think of good reasons as to why you have mental health issues, and a doctor has told you it’s so, please do not say that you have them. It’s not fun to have those things, it’s not “in” to have depression. Please for the love of god be considerate. Thank you, Crystal.
I complete agree! I feel like at this time period a lot of people have been diagnosed with depression because of cyber bullying, more stress, etc. Because it’s more common people think that if they get upset, then they also have depression.
I think depression is getting mixed up with getting more attention. Some people think, if they act depressed then they will get more attention... idk why. I feel like everyone is saying more a more suicide joke or calling themselves ugly. I make jokes saying “I’m ugly” but I don’t do it 24-7. Its kinda gets annoying when people who are very pretty say their ugly. It just makes me feel bad because There not!! I feel like it’s just for attention. ( ps. It’s okay to make these joke I’m just saying don’t make it the only thing you do say)
Well...with anxiety, it's sorta complicated. Anxiety is an emotion, whereas anxiety disorder is a condition. But I totally agree with you! I've been diagnosed with social anxiety, and I hate when people just go around saying they have it when they don't. My mom has depression, and my psychologist says I likely have a mild case, which bisn't a diagnosis, but it's close. And my mom's friend is a psychologist, not mine, but still, and she says I have OCD. Again, not a diagnosis, but given those things, it's likely I have it. Not a 'self diagnosis' or anything.
I know how you feel, CrystalStreamz. I, personally, have none of those things, but when people argue around me, My heartbeat quickens, and I know it is called anxiety. Not self-diagnosing at all, but I have felt those feelings slightly before.
I know what you mean. I used to know people who were diagnosing themselves with these things, and it made me sad to be around them.
And ohh my gosh, you’ve just spit out everything i’ve Always wanted to say to the world xd Thank you so much! Xd I’m dyin’.....
So,when i was little i self diagnosed myself because i didn't know the difference but i've grown up to know that its an actual thing to self diagnose,i though feel like i have ADD(i might actullay have that bc my mother has it and i show alot of symptoms)and anxiety(mainly caused by my Arabophobia and some others)and @CrystalStreamz is right,its not cool to self diagnose yourself,other people around the world actually have been diagnosed with that and that could hurt their feelings or do even more.
ehh the Corna doesn't really bother me, now I do joke around like that a lot, but I NEVER say it about others unless it is like my closest friends who know I am joking, I mainly joke like that about myself so just know that if I am talking about depression with myself and put "XD" afterwards just know that I am joking about it!!
All good! I think I have some depression, Just bc of the Corna,
Cause I have some of the symptoms
yeah I know, but I have never been diagnosed cause when I do feel sad or bad about something I ignore it and chat to my friends cause I hate feeling that way, it makes me feel like I will never go anywhere in life, so I ignore it and try to trample it down so that it isn't there when it really is... so yeah.
All good, I think I may have some sort of Anxiety or depression because I moved from my home country/town when I was three and miss good friends from there and have a hard time not knowing what the place I came from looked like, I can't even remember what my house looked like, and when I got into second grade that is when bullying really started to hit me, when I made someone puck during recess because I was mad at them about a very very embarrassing reason so yeah! and sometimes the things that they say get to my head so yeah... I just try my best to ignore it when it does get to me and it usually works.
Sorry this was darker than my usual post. I just felt it very important to get out there.