Hey! So i decided to try this theme, a RP were a war is going on between all the clans for food and things like that after they all defeated the Gorlan giants. Nothing from the ROTR books except the base. You can even have pets but please limit that to 2 for now! No limit for the Sandwens, you can choose any clan. I also have a ranking system set up for all the clans. But first, the rules!
1. Nothing inapropriate
2. Be nice to everyone and be aware.
3. Have fun!!
Ok, now we got that over, lets do the summary!
war has broken out over all the clans. They all need heroes to save them all! (it sounds cheesy xD) Can these heroes stop the chaos?
Oki Doki. we are the "heroes."
Clan Leader(s) (1 leaders, queen per clan)
Advisors (1 for each ruler so two in total)
War generals for the Pegasi (5 war generals, all need to have pegasi)
Warriors for the pegasi (infinity numbers per clan)
War generals for the horses (5 war generals, all need horses)
Warriors for the horses (infinity)
Villagers (infinity)
Farmers (infinity)
Ok so that was for each clan.
Extra Information:
Ready, set, GO!
Yup, I've been really wanting to use them in an RP and this seems like the perfect opportunity
and Vigilans
i rememnber taya!
Name: Taya Moree
Age: 15
Gender: female
Height: 5'6
Clan: 5th clan, Sky Guard Scout/Messenger
Personality: strong willed, loyal, quick thinker, honest, painfully blunt, sarcastic, literal, intelligent
Description: long brown hair usually in high ponytail, fair skin, sharp green eyes, slim fit body.
Friends: TBD
Family: mother (idc, but she's the adviser to the 5th clan queen), father (idc either, but he's in the Sky Guard)
Crush: not interested...
Boyfriend: eh
Husband: your kidding me, right?
Name: Vigilans
Age: 15
Gender: male
Height: 16.2hh
Clan: 5th clan, Sky Guard Scout/Messenger
Personality: loyal, protective, strict, stubborn, devoted, fearless, respectful, competitive
Description: solid bay stallion, black mane and tail, black points, green wings
Friends: TBD
Family: TBD
Crush: TBD
Girlfriend: TBD
Mate: TBD
I'm so joining this
ohhhhh lol sorry! i forgot, has been awhile.
There are 7 Clans, not six. And none of them have kings, remember? The queens do not marry or identify the fathers of their children.
1st Clan
2nd Clan
3rd Clan
4th Clan
5th Clan
6th Clan
7th Clan
Name: Maeve Foxhunter
Age: 16
Gender: female
Height: pretty tall for 16
Clan/Herd: tbd
Personality: warrior-like attituide, really clever, amazing at strategies, brave, honorable, noble, smart, and quiet
Description: huntress-like, pale-ish skin, red-gold long hair, usually wears a green dress, pale spring green eyes, has a bow, freckles, wears sandals, green/gold arm-piece, a swirly bracelet on the upper arm, and a light golden winged head-piece that symbolizes a warrior.
Friends: Victoria Stormkeeper
Family: Valor Foxhunter(mother), Fallon Foxhunter(father), Iris Foxhunter(younger sister).
Crush/Boyfriend/Girlfriend: no
Mate: no
Picture: (what she would be wearing for a formal event, minus the weapons)
and this on the battlefield
Name: Katira
Age: 3
Gender: filly
Height: tall-ish for a 3 year old
Clan/Herd: tbd
Personality: spunky, cocky, show-off, dazzling, comical, funny.
Description: bay tobiano with a diamond stripe snipe on her face that makes her look comical, curious wide eyes, pricked ears, black mane/tail, four stockings, and black points.
Friends: Valina
Family: Rana(dam), Cinder(sire), and Sierra(half-sister)
Crush/Boyfriend/Girlfriend: none
Mate: none
Victoria Stormkeeper