OK peolpe on here you will learn to speak Anokian Language! BTW I made this language up. This language is when you say and spell every word backwards for instance can would spelled and said nac. SO ONLY SPEAK ANOKIAN!!!!!!!!!!!! And have fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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DX swoh ti gniog??? PX
Lol. siht si os dlo DX
Dx haeY ti si
rkI? leL Dx m'I os desu ot gnidaer naikonA taht I daer lla taht tuohtiw gnivah ot kniht hcum tuoba ti. s'tI yllaer drah gnipyt ti hgouht Dx
gmO I yletelpmoc togrof tuoba siht. syawynA, iah P:
( I actually speak Anokian in real life ;-; )
hoaW sith tahc si daed Dx roop naikonA egauganL, ouy reven devresed siht.
DX lol. x el drawkwa ecnelis x tahw won?
sti ko I t'ndluoc dnatsrednu em rehtie DX
rethaefniaR I t'ndluoc dnatsrednu taht tsal ecnetnes DX. I dessim eht naikonA egeugnal DX
m'I eno fo esoth gnilzzufnoc naikona sreklat won. pmO os ynam der ylggiuqs senil I ees si laer
(D: is :D in anokian so I am happy :P)
18032215 0414 150326 1110040915 1001 15030414?
doog!!!!!!!! ( I coment on Wispi chat saying are you guys still there )
ho ym isagep I ma gnikaeps naikona egaugnal!!!! D:
lol I saw gniyrt ot od a elims ni eht egaugnal.
?????? tahw gnorw?