This is my first roleplay so..... anyway I will explain a little and tell the rules, one of my best friends thought of we somehow should show the world what cruelty the animals is going through, and I thought that was a good idea, so i need some characters, RULES
only animals is allowed, and that was about it.
and this is my own character
name: Rasha
age: 3 months
speices: snow Leopard
dad: unknown
personality: motherly, kind,fierce,quick thinker,never gives up, always has a plan, hates to be trapped.
description: silver and dark grey fur with a bushy tail and big pale green eyes,

Name: Han solo
Age: one year
Breed: Rhino
Mom: Padme
Dad: unknown
Personality: Shy, kind, honest, always complains about everything.
Description: Light gray with hazel eyes.
the first role-play is tomorrow!
Name : Faith
Breed : Harpy eagle
Mom : Quickbeak
Dad: Swiftstorm
age : 8
Pet peeve : deforsttaion
personaity; Hopefull,kind loyal brave
Name: Midnight
Breed : Panther
Mom : Inkheart
Dad: Crowstorm
Pet peeve : Habit loss
Personally: Loyal honst feice brave kind
I don’t know why people would do that.
I want to stomp on that person.grrrr
This is in the hounor of a lion named Cecil, who was shot by hunters and after 10 hours of agony he died.
Name: Cecil
speices: lion
Age: 7
cubs: Carter and Sia
foster daughter: Rasha
personality:grumpy, annoying, brave,silly.
description: tawny pelt with dark brown mane and tail
This is a picture of the real Cecil.
me offended maybe but please listen to what is have to say. I'm not much of a talker and i'm sure many have has been going through worse things. I have been bullied many times, close to dying many times and I have been going through depression, with honestly nobody to rely on ecxept my self, animals has always a place in heart no matter which animal, I have seen insects been crushed in front of me and a dead bird being pushed in my face for fun , and this is my only place were I can find my self truly, *while I have been writing this down I have been crying*
How many times do Dragon and I have to say this: this website was created for the book series (and fans of the book series) known as The Guardian Herd and Riders of the Realm. I regret any offense caused, but this Message Board is not the place for posts that are not about pegasi or the books.
I honestly do not intend for any offense, but I'm tired of repeating myself.
Name: Shadow
Gender: Male
Age: 3
Mother: Unknown
Father: Unknown
Pet Peeve: Habitat Loss
and we do need some males
I JUST HAD A GREAT IDEA liger breading can I use Spirit character for that please Sunblaze, its illegal but smugglers and hunters do anyway.
Name: Sunray
Gender: Female
Age: 3
Species: Amur leopard
Mother: Brightheart
Father: ShadowSpot
Pet Peeve: habitat loss
me too!
Of course
BTW love that you chose a snow leopard there's only like what 1000 or less in the wild?
And can we do more than one? cause im so against animal cruelty
Name: Sky
Gender: Female
Age: 4
Mother: Hope
Father: Guardian
Pet peeves: Deforestation
Species: Red Panda