Ooof.... I think I'll have to go with ether Brackentail or Shadepebble. Yes, I know that Brackentail is a villain and all, but I truly think that his heart was always in the right place. I always try to understand the villain's perspective, and I think when you look at Brackentail's, he really isn't that bad.I mean, imagine someone you love & care for deeply is hanging out with someone who could be a big danger to everyone. I don't agree with him bullying Star, but I know he was just trying to keep Morningleaf safe. He also made a big character change throughout the books - in the beginning, he would bully Star, but by the end of the book, he and Star are really close. I really like underdogs, and I think Brackentail is kind of one, since his past makes everyone think he's evil. I say Shadepebble because I really like her personality and I think that she's really just a great character.
Oof. I would have to chose between Star and Morningleaf. I think I will vote Star, not because he's the mane (spelled that way on purpose) caracter, but he realy is me favorite character. Always looking out for others and helping whenever he can. Im gonna have to vote team Star.
It’s either Brackentail or Shadepebble for me lol
Ooof.... I think I'll have to go with ether Brackentail or Shadepebble. Yes, I know that Brackentail is a villain and all, but I truly think that his heart was always in the right place. I always try to understand the villain's perspective, and I think when you look at Brackentail's, he really isn't that bad.I mean, imagine someone you love & care for deeply is hanging out with someone who could be a big danger to everyone. I don't agree with him bullying Star, but I know he was just trying to keep Morningleaf safe. He also made a big character change throughout the books - in the beginning, he would bully Star, but by the end of the book, he and Star are really close. I really like underdogs, and I think Brackentail is kind of one, since his past makes everyone think he's evil. I say Shadepebble because I really like her personality and I think that she's really just a great character.
Oof. I would have to chose between Star and Morningleaf. I think I will vote Star, not because he's the mane (spelled that way on purpose) caracter, but he realy is me favorite character. Always looking out for others and helping whenever he can. Im gonna have to vote team Star.
I vote for team Shadepebble