My mom told me before she left today that she wanted Caleb and I to clean today, well I cleaned my cats litterbox, swept, and did the dishes. Well Caleb said he'd vacuum, but a minute ago he left for work!! I told him he said he would vacuum and guess what he said.. "I did!!" Like I'm gonna fall for that!! He was on the TV the whole time!! That means I have to clean the bathroom, vacuum, and fold laundry!! PLUS I have to finish my school for the day!! Thanks a lot Caleb
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She ate some last night. Shes all right though
What!? Your cat eats toothpaste!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?
And on top of that your dealing with a toothpaste eating cat
wow mean brother and i'm so sorry for you but look it's not your fault Caleb is like that!!!!! IT'S HIS FAULT